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Helping People To Upgrade Their Wealth Mindset And Increase Life Success
Most people want more wealth in their lives.

For some, it is the simply the desire to never have to worry about money problems, debt, or feeling trapped in a job again.

For others, it is about being able to live comfortably; having the means to repay the mortgage, go on vacations, and provide a great lifestyle for their family.

And for others again, it is the desire to become hugely successful and to experience the best that life has to offer.

For me, it was a combination of all three.

I wanted to make a difference in the world, and to experience the kind of financial security that I had never had growing up. But most of all, I wanted to break free from the debt that had been a dark cloud over my head for so long.

So, I did the same things many others do. I worked, I studied, and I threw everything into carving out a successful career for myself. 

But no matter how hard I worked, I never seemed to get any further ahead. In fact, the only thing that was progressing was my ever-increasing credit card debt. Desperate and feeling out of options, I was on the verge of having to declare bankruptcy…

…until I found out that the problem was my own BRAIN.

My name is Dr. Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist, self-made millionaire, and creator of the Total Money Magnetism ‘millionaire mindset’ program. 

For over 15 years now I’ve been helping top Hollywood celebrities, sports stars, and executives to overcome mental obstacles and further their success.

Today I want to share how I got from being over $80k in debt to this point, and how people everywhere can now use the same methods to break free from financial limitations and bring wealth and opportunity into their lives.
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Change Your Brain. Change Your Life.

6 Benefits Of An Optimal Wealth Mindset

#1 Greater Opportunity Awareness
Opportunities to better our lives are all around us. Having an optimal wealth mindset means that your brain is now primed to notice and take advantage of opportunities to grow wealth and success, in a way it never has before.
#2 Increased Confidence
One of the key transformations people go through as they upgrade their mindset is identifying and letting go of subconscious fears & doubts that may be limiting success. This process naturally renews confidence and allows self-belief to thrive.
#3 New Neurological Success Pathways
Upgrading your mindset physically shapes your brain over time. As new connections are made and strengthened, old limiting thought & response pathways are gradually pruned away.
#4 Increased Focus and Productivity
Many people are stunned at how much more they seem capable of achieving once they have an optimal wealth mindset. This is because the mind has become freed from the self-doubt and fear which fuels procrastination.
#5 Mental Clarity
An optimized success mindset enables clearer thought patterns and less brain fog. This enhanced mental clarity helps people to reach solutions and overcome challenges more easily.
#6 Alignment With Life Goals
The biggest reason why some people struggle to achieve their dreams is because their mind is out of alignment with their goals. In other words, it is sabotaging their success. By adopting an empowered wealth mindset, you can naturally realign your brain with your goals and use it to drive your success.

About Dr. Steve
G. Jones

Hi, I’m Dr. Steve G. Jones, Clinical Hypnotherapist, self-made millionaire, and creator of Total Money Magnetism: The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires™.

I have written over 22 books, traveled the world, worked with Hollywood celebrities and sports stars, and built a life that is richer and more incredible than I ever could have imagined.

But my life certainly didn’t start out that way.

When I was just six years old, my Mom passed away after losing her battle with leukemia. Struggling to cope, my Dad turned to alcohol, and throughout my school years we were living week-by-week, just getting by.

My early adult years were marked by the same struggle. Newly qualified and determined to make my mark on the world, I tried to set up a successful career in L.A.

I had always been fascinated by the brain and how it worked, and there was nothing I wanted more than to help people to make positive changes in their lives through hypnotherapy.

But although I was slowly getting more clients, I soon found that my spending and overheads were spiraling out of control.
No matter how hard I worked to get ahead, there was always more money going out than there was coming in. My office lease kept going up, and there seemed be a new bill in the door every day.

It got to the point where I genuinely thought I was going to lose everything and have to file for bankruptcy.

I was over $80,000 in credit card debt and sleeping in my office as I couldn’t afford a place to rent. Worse yet, the banks has begun to threaten legal action.

Fear and helplessness was consuming me. I couldn’t see a way out.

But then all of that changed.

I’m not sure if it was fate that brought us together, but soon after I had been given notice by the bank manager that I had just 90 days to make a minimum lump sum payment of $30,239 on my debt, I had a chance encounter with an old friend.

I hadn’t seen Dan in years, and was amazed to discover that he was now an ultra-successful entrepreneur who had a staff of over 350 people.

He offered to buy me a drink, and I soon found myself revealing in shame the financial black hole I’d worked my way into.

But it was what he said next which took me by surprise…

“I feel for you Steve, I really do. But honest-to-God, I gotta tell you that if it wasn’t for being in debt and having to take some big risks, I wouldn’t be where I am today. In fact I’m not even afraid of failing anymore, because I’ve learnt that most of my biggest failures have led me to my biggest wins.” 

He proceeded to tell me all about his journey to success, offering mind-blowing insights into his financial strategies along the way.

That night, my thoughts kept churning over what Dan had said, and how our lives had gone in such different directions.

And this led me to a breakthrough moment of clarity…

I realized that the difference between us wasn’t how smart we were, or how hard we had worked… the difference was in our brains.

My friend’s mind was primed for success in every way, and mine was not.

I realized I had been so busy trying to help other people to overcome their mental barriers that I had failed to notice my own.

Turning my professional focus onto myself, it wasn’t hard to see now how deep within my subconscious mind there was still a helpless kid riddled with self-doubt and limiting thought processes. I knew then that this was the root of my struggles to progress in life.

Silently cursing myself for not identifying this earlier, I also knew from experience that sometimes it takes an outsider’s perspective to prompt these kinds of self-revelations.

And from this new clarity, something else started to grow… hope.

I already knew that I had the skills to transform a ‘scarcity’ mindset into a success mindset through hypnotherapy. I just had to adapt the process to make it automatic, so that I could undergo self-hypnosis rather than seeing another specialist (with money I didn’t have).

So, that’s what I did. I continued to see clients as much as possible, and at night I began my own mindset transformation.

And at the same time, I started researching everything I could about how to grow wealth.

I watched and read everything I could get my hands on where authentic self-made millionaires were sharing their wealth building strategies and secrets, just as my friend Dan had. It was addictive – the more I learned, the more I wanted to know.

But still, I was consumed with the pressure of knowing I had to do something – soon – that would allow me to make the lump sum payment on my debt and keep my practice.

So, in a moment of desperation, I decided to try something crazy.

I thought…

Creating Total Money Magnetism: The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires™

As I mentioned above, in my private clinic I work with top Hollywood directors, sports stars, and CEOs, who pay me $25,000 per two hour session to get them to the next level of success.

And even though I love seeing my clients getting the results they’ve dreamed of, it had been weighing on my mind that at this level my services were now only attainable for a tiny percentage of the population.

I wanted to create something that is accessible for anyone who has a strong desire to further their wealth and success, but who is being held back by their own mental limitations, just as I once was.

So, I designed an online program which allows me to offer all of the same training and benefits that my wealthy clients receive, at a mere fraction of the price.

And that’s how Total Money Magnetism: The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires™ was born. 

Since then, it has helped over 70,000 people to upgrade their mindset and welcome more wealth, success, and freedom into their lives.

The Total Money Magnetism System

A Step By Step Mindset Upgrade System For Maximizing Wealth And Life Success
Total Money Magnetism is a comprehensive mindset upgrade system that has been designed to make the process of adopting an optimal wealth mindset almost automatic.

It has two core components:

1) The Total Money Magnetism Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires 195+ page eBook, which guides readers step by step through upgrading their wealth mindset, expanding their income & increasing life success. And...

2) The Six-Step ‘Millionaire Brain-Building’ Self-Hypnosis Program, created by Dr. Steve G. Jones to reprogram the brain for success, confidence, and wealth creation on a powerful subconscious level.

The goal? To help people to quickly and effectively overcome mental limitations to wealth, so that they can start increasing their income and creating the life they desire.

The Total Money Magnetism system also includes four amazing bonus resources aimed to maximize success. Check out what’s included below.

Included In The System

Total Money Magnetism: The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires
This comprehensive eBook provides readers with everything they need to know to identify and overcome personal barriers to wealth, build the foundation of a millionaire mindset, and take action steps towards creating a future of limitless opportunities.

It explores practical, proven strategies for generating more income and building wealth, in a way that allows the reader to choose which path best suits them and their life.

Along the way, readers will hear stories from Dr. Steve’s own journey to success as well as important tips from other self-made millionaires.
Total Money Magnetism: Six Step Millionaire Brain Self Hypnosis Program
This incredible hypnosis program (which can be done in the comfort of your own home) is the KEY to achieving powerful and lasting mindset changes, because it ‘reprograms’ the brain at a subconscious level.

Specially crafted by Dr. Steve G. Jones, the program contains six self-hypnosis audios designed to optimize the brain for attracting wealth and success. Embedded with binaural beat technology, these audios enable the brain to enter a deeply meditative state, where it can make new connections faster than ever before.

The first half of the program is designed to prime your brain for success by reducing subconscious fears and instilling a new empowered sense of confidence & self-belief.

The second half of the program is about building your ‘millionaire brain’, by instilling the fundamental wealth-creation strategies, opportunity awareness, and habits of a millionaire’s mindset.

All users need to do is simply pop on some headphones, play the audios through their device, and allow their brain to do the hard work for them.

(*Headphones not included).
Total Money Magnetism: The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires Audiobook
A complete audiobook version of the Total Money Magnetism manual, so that users can tune in to the program anywhere, any time, and on any device. Ideal for those with a busy lifestyle and those who are stronger auditory than visual learners.
The Millionaire’s Mindset
This is an exclusive interview with self-made millionaires that gives watchers step by step guidance though transforming their financial mindset, in order to reverse debt and start building wealth.

The 3 Fastest Ways To Make Millions Online
A simple yet powerful video course with millionaire entrepreneur Mark Ling that demonstrates how you can make hundreds, thousands, or even millions of dollars online – even if the idea of an online business sounds totally foreign right now.
The Platinum Millionaire Mind Makers
A set of three advanced ‘mind reset’ audios that maximize your results by dissolving your unconscious blocks to wealth. Prepare to stop procrastination and experience unlimited motivation and creativity.

Unlocking The Subconscious: The KEY To Lasting Behavior Change

One of the challenges of making positive changes in our lives is the ‘relapse response’ - the tendency to revert back to old habits.

I was caught out by this recently when starting a new workout regime. For the first few weeks, it was great - I was going to the gym every other day, gaining fitness and shaping up. But then I went away to a conference, and before I knew it I couldn’t even remember the last time I’d set foot in the gym.

Why does this happen? Because our brains are naturally resistant to change.

One of our brain’s core survival functions is to keep us living in tune with the ingrained habits and beliefs that have developed through our experiences. All of this key information is stored deep within our subconscious minds.

Our subconscious is the reason why we can feel scared to try something new, why it can feel uncomfortable to imagine ourselves achieving success, and ultimately why we often find ourselves reverting back to the status quo.

So, how is this program different?

Total Money Magnetism is designed to override that relapse response, because it uses the power of hypnosis and emotive visualization to access the subconscious mind and ‘reprogram’ limiting beliefs directly at the source.

By making mindset changes on this subconscious level, users can enact powerful lasting changes in their thoughts, feelings, and behavior regarding wealth… the same forces which drive millionaire success.

Special Offer:

The Total Money Magnetism Digital Package

Total Money Magnetism Digital Package
Total Money Magnetism: The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires eBook
Total Money Magnetism Six-Step Millionaire Brain Self Hypnosis Program
The Total Money Magnetism Audiobook
The Millionaires’ Mindset
The 3 Fastest Ways To Make Millions Online
The Platinum Millionaire Mind Makers
The Total Money Magnetism Digital Package usually sells for $94.95! But if you purchase today I can offer you a ONE TIME ONLY sale price for the full mindset upgrade system including ALL bonuses of just $94.95 $47! This special is on for an extremely limited time, so don’t miss out!
Hurry – Sale Ends Soon!
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Here’s What Others Are Saying About Total Money Magnetism

Total Money Magnetism has accelerated me past some of my blocks and limitations I previously had in place. This isn't just for money issues, it's for all areas of life! Thank you Steve!
I have truthfully taken the first step towards an incredible future of abundance and happiness. Thank you Dr. Steve for putting my future on the right journey towards success.
Hi Steve, I am absolutely impressed with the programme. I am on the second track/month and I am already experiencing significant changes in my mindset and my attitude towards wealth and life. My millionaire behavior is spontaneous and the fear of lack is almost vanquished. I see a lot of positive changes along the way and for that I thank you.
The book was very enlightening, I reread it every couple of days and find new insights every time I read it. The tracks have helped me to find peace in a very difficult situation. My financial outlook has improved greatly since starting Total Money Magnet. Thank You!
I have taken care of some old memories and removed some other blocks. I am moving forward with fast track coaching. I am even sleeping better at night. Thanks Steve G Jones.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

I want you to feel completely confident purchasing the Total Money Magnetism system today, which is why my program comes with a 60 day 100% money-back guarantee.

Simply place your order, download my system and all of the bonuses, and take the time to test it out in your life.

And if at ANY time during the next 60 days you don’t feel 100% satisfied with your purchase, simply contact my customer support team and we will issue a refund just as soon as the banks can process it - no questions asked. It really is that simple.

Special Offer:

The Total Money Magnetism Digital Package

Total Money Magnetism Digital Package
Total Money Magnetism: The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires eBook
Total Money Magnetism Six-Step Millionaire Brain Self Hypnosis Program
The Total Money Magnetism Audiobook
The Millionaires’ Mindset
The 3 Fastest Ways To Make Millions Online
The Platinum Millionaire Mind Makers
The Total Money Magnetism Digital Package usually sells for $94.95! But if you purchase today I can offer you a ONE TIME ONLY sale price for the full mindset upgrade system including ALL bonuses of just $94.95 $47! This special is on for an extremely limited time, so don’t miss out!
Hurry – Sale Ends Soon!
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Here’s What The Experts Are Saying About Total Money Magnetism

Total Money Magnetism is jam-packed with rock solid advice that any success-driven person needs to get their hands on. The 5 fundamentals of money magnetism (Part 2) lay an invaluable foundation to financial freedom, and the 10 secret success principles of the ultra wealthy (Part 3) are proven rules all successful people live by. If you want to be wealthy, I highly recommend you read this book.
Aidan Booth
Entrepreneur & Author | www.aidanbooth.com
I’m always talking to my clients about reframing how they think so that they can take action and get what they want. Total Money Magnetism not only tells you HOW to reframe but it actually teaches you how to train your brain so that it automatically does it for you. This program was a quick read, very practical and I easily applied what I learned to make major changes in the way I conduct business and view money. I highly suggest getting this program!
Marni Kinrys
Entrepreneur & Author | www.thatsnothowmenwork.com
Revolutionary! Steve has put together centuries of Performance Development, Wealth Attraction and Success Principles in ONE easy, simplified process. No matter if you have no education, are broke, stuck in a job you don’t like, or just plain frustrated – Steve will take you through the fundamentals step by step. No longer will you resist being a Success!
Heater Havenwood
Entrepreneur & Author | www.heatherhavenwood.com
As a Hypnotic Influence Specialist, I've read most of the books on hypnosis that have been written, and I'm really pleased to say that Steve G. Jones' Total Money Magnetism is a practical guide to instill the thoughts, then the beliefs and finally the acceptance of your ability to think and act like a millionaire.
A. Thomas Perhacs
Hypnotic Influence Specialist & Author | www.mindforcehypnosis.com

Frequently Asked Questions

How Will Hypnosis Help To Reprogram My Brain For Wealth?
Hypnosis targets the subconscious mind, which is the huge driving force behind a person’s behavior. If you are struggling to get ahead, chances are that there are deep-rooted fears, habits, and beliefs within your subconscious that are limiting your success. By entering a hypnotic state, the subconscious mind becomes up to 200 times more suggestible, meaning it can accept new information and build new wealth pathways faster & more effectively than previously possible.

Each specially crafted Millionaire Brain hypnosis track guides the listener to not only replace limiting beliefs with a mindset optimized for wealth, but also to intensively visualize an incredible new financial reality; clearing outstanding debt, watching your bank balance grow, and experiencing financial freedom. This is an extremely powerful process that over time, shapes your thoughts, beliefs, actions, and most importantly, results.
Will Hypnosis Work For Me?
It’s been scientifically demonstrated that up to 90% of the population can be hypnotized to at least the first level of hypnosis – the ‘Alpha’ state. In this state your subconscious mind becomes up to 200 times more suggestible, which is more than enough to enable powerful mindset changes that will transform your relationship with money.
Do I Need Headphones?
Yes. Using headphones is essential for listening to the Millionaire Brain Hypnosis Program as this enables your brain to perceive the binaural beats programmed into the hypnosis tracks. These binaural beats help to send your brain into an ultra-relaxed and creative state, which maximizes the results of the hypnotherapy.
How Soon Will I Get Results?
While the Millionaire Brain hypnosis program is incredibly powerful, it can’t reprogram your entire brain overnight. As documented by scientific studies, it takes a minimum of 21 days for new thoughts, ideas, and habits to take hold in your subconscious mind. But by following the simple steps in the program, users can absolutely expect to see incredible changes taking place in their lives within the first six months. And in terms of immediate effects, many people report experiencing additional benefits such as heightened focus, improved sleep, and increased confidence as soon as they start using the program.
What Is Your Money Back Guarantee?
Your purchase is covered by our 60 day money-back guarantee. If you are unsatisfied with your Total Money Magnetism order for any reason, simply email our customer happiness team at support@totalmoneymagnetism.com within 60 days from the date of purchase and we will issue you a full refund.
How Will I Access My Digital Files?
The Total Money Magnetism Manual is in pdf format, which can be opened and downloaded onto any mobile device, tablet, or PC. In most cases this will happen automatically, but if you have any problems simply install Adobe Acrobat Reader for free using the link we have provided in the Member’s Area.

The Millionaire Brain-Building Hypnosis Program, Audiobook, and all other audio bonuses are in mp3 format which can be played through any media player. These can also be directly saved and played through your mobile device or PC. The 3 Fastest Ways To Make Millions Online video is in mp4 format, which can also be opened by any media player and saved to your mobile or PC.

If members have ANY issues regarding product access, our Customer Happiness Team is simply one click away, ready to help.

Look No Further. Get Started Today!


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