Hey there. Dr Steve G Jones here.

And thanks to an INCREDIBLE breakthrough from the top neuroscientists in the world …

I have stumbled upon a never seen before process to effortlessly and almost INSTANTLY rebuild your brain …

Into the brain of a millionaire …

Almost overnight, giving you the thoughts of a millionaire …

The actions of a millionaire …

And the WEALTH of a millionaire …

In just MINUTES a day …

Even if you (like me!) have previously failed at every single attempt to make money in your life up until now …

And all without hard work, effort, or using ‘willpower’ AT ALL.

You see, if the contents of your bank account aren’t where you want and need them to be

It’s NOT because you haven’t worked hard enough …

Saved hard enough …

Or because you’re somehow ‘bad’ with money …

No, there’s something MUCH deeper going on here …

So let me ask …

Did You Know That There Was A Thought Implanted In Your Brain, When You Were Just 3 Years Old …

That is behind every last atom of financial anxiety, stress, and LACK you’ve ever experienced?

It’s true …

I know it sounds crazy, but don’t you even THINK about doubting this, because …

This is hardcore neuroscience proven by the BEST brains in the world …

And that thought took root, and shaped your young brain …

Before you were even old enough to know what was happening …

Into the brain of someone destined to STRUGGLE financially…

Yet today …

I’m going to use the most incredible scientific breakthrough in the world, to …

Easily, instantly, and almost surgically remove that thought for you …

Instantly Deleting Every Last One Of Your Brain’s Hidden Barriers To Wealth …

And hardwiring the skills, abilities, focus, and drive of the greatest millionaires in the world into your brain …

Allowing you to effortlessly experience the kind of success, joy, and wealth that…

Until now, has always felt completely out of reach for you

So if you’re ready for a life of MORE, then …

Your millionaire story begins this second …

With an embarrassing confession of mine …

The humiliating story of how I ended up in jail …

… And then, how I broke out.

My name is Dr Steve G Jones (Ed.D, Ed.S, M.Ed, B.S.) …

And today, I am a world renowned clinical hypnotherapist whose client list reads like a Who’s Who of the Hollywood elite …

Forbes Magazine called me one of the world’s top hypnotherapists …

You can see my work on CNN, NBC, and CBS (to name just a few)…

And I’ve appeared on Millionaire Matchmaker three times so far (as a millionaire …)

I work with everyone from famous actors, directors, writers, and producers

To the Dodgers baseball team …

To New York Times bestsellers …

Helping the most successful people in the world create more money and more success

And People Often Ask Me, ‘Does What You Do REALLY work?’

Well … why don’t you decide for yourself?

Using the same exact method you’re about to discover …

I’ve personally gone from being broke, homeless, and eighty thousand dollars in debt

To being a multi, multi millionaire several times over

Yet, was I ALWAYS successful?

… Yeah, right!

In fact, just a few years ago …

I was in life-threatening, absolutely TERRIFYING financial trouble.

I Was In Life-Threatening, Absolutely TERRIFYING Financial Trouble.

It wasn’t that I was a ‘bum’

I worked hard

Yet, when it came to money …

I had ‘Santa Claus Syndrome’

I’d heard of this thing called ‘money’ …

Other people SWORE it existed …

… yet I never, ever saw any for myself …

Everything just felt …


Like there was nothing more to life than WORK and SLEEP.

… So Guess How I Tried To Fix It?

Yup .…

… I spent.

I used my credit card the way some people use sex …

… or drugs …

… or food …

And I went on like that …

Until I had no house to live in

No bed to sleep in

And all I had to my name was eighty thousand dollars in credit card debt.

And I really think I might have continued down that road FOREVER

Depressed …

Anxious …

And above all, BROKE

If It Hadn't Been For One Horrifying Thursday Afternoon ...

If it hadn’t been for one horrifying Thursday afternoon …

When I literally got into a financial car crash.

Out of the blue …

A representative from the bank showed up, and …

Told me that my ‘balloon payment’ on my massive bank debt was now due …

And if I didn’t cough up $30,000 in the next TWO DAYS …

… then they were going to sue me for everything I had.

In that second, my mouth went so dry I could barely breathe.

Thirty thousand dollars?

In two DAYS?

I begged for more time …

But he refused.

Said something about how ‘the terms of my credit had always been clear’

And now, they were calling in the debt.

And With A Sense Of Panic Beyond Anything I Can Express In Words…

I realized that was it.

They were going to sue …

… I was going to lose …

And I was going to end up in JAIL.

An hour later, I was pacing my office …

Imagining how I’d look in a bright orange ‘jail jumpsuit’ just 2 days from now

When all of a sudden …

… I got an unexpected visit from a friend.

Now, this friend of mine was richer than Oprah.

I mean, she was a multi, multi millionaire…

She had an incredible house …

A loving husband …

And at that time, her net worth was about 22 million dollars …

Basically, she had EVERYTHING.

And when she saw me sweating with fear that afternoon …

She took one look, and …

FORCED me to sit down …

Then she said something to me, that …

Instantly transformed my entire life from that moment on.

So ... What Did She Say?

Well … it was just one thing.

In fact, it was weirdly simple.

I was rabbiting on about my debts

The mess I’d made of my life …

My fear of ending up in jail

How I’d never find love again

How my life was RUINED

… When she stopped me.

She grabbed my arm in a grip like a vice.

And she said …

‘Steve, The Only Jail You're Ever Going To End Up In …’

‘… is the one inside your own head.

‘Right now, the ONLY thing separating you from a Donald Trump, or a Sir Richard Branson …’

‘… is your MIND.’

‘You’ve made it into a jail.’

‘But …it doesn’t have to be that way.’

Then she pulled a book out of her bag …

… put it down on my desk …

Smiled at me

And left.

I watched her leave, slack-jawed

A BOOK?!’ I screeched in disgust …

‘I don’t need a BOOK! I need a SOLUTION!

And who knows …

Maybe someone ‘Up There’ was listening …

Because what happened next was like God Himself reached down and tapped me on the shoulder.

See, I got a solution, all right …

But it was NOTHING LIKE what I was expecting!

Angry and scared, I picked up the book and riffled through it …

It was just a bunch of quotes from famous people …

And, I was just about to slam it down on the table …

When all of a sudden …

One single quote caught my eye.

It was from a man I’ve always admired …

The greatest mind in human history …

… Albert Einstein.

And Einstein said …

Logic will get you from A to B…’

‘But intuition will take you EVERYWHERE.’

For some reason, that quote spoke to me …

As an academic and a doctor, I’d relied on logic and rationality my whole life …

You know … focusing on WORK

Putting pennies and dimes aside to ‘save for a rainy day’ …

Investing in courses …

All the things that LOGIC told me I should do …

Yet, when I thought about it now …

Wasn't It True That A Part Of My Brain Had Always Been Unconvinced By That Approach?

That something had always felt just a little … OFF?

That SURELY there must be more to life than just work, sleep, and STRUGGLE?

I figured I had nothing to lose (I mean, I was probably going to jail anyway …)

So I decided to just see what would happen if I let my intuition take the reins for a moment …

And almost immediately …

This quiet little voice spoke up and said …

‘Steve, your friend is right …

Money doesn’t come from what you DO …’

‘It comes from WITHIN.

Well … I wasn’t sure, but …

I figured the contents of my bank account proved I didn’t know everything …

So I decided to follow this insight back to the root …

I fired up my laptop and raided the office library like a thief …

I delved into hardcore neuroscience and studies of wealth psychology like a nerd studying for the biggest exam of his life

And What I Discovered Absolutely Blew My Mind:

Turns out that millionaires don’t really do anything different from ‘ordinary’ people

In fact …

The only thing that sets millionaires aside from people like you and me …

Is their MIND.

Here’s what I mean …

Picture your brain like the Hoover Dam:

A TREMENDOUS force to create incredible things, transform the world, and create massive positive change

Yet, at the same time, there is a fatal flaw in the way the human brain operates:

It is a belief seeking machine.

Your mind’s main job is to seek out BELIEFS from the world around you …

And put those beliefs to work to ensure your survival.

Now, that would be absolutely fine…

Except for one little problem:

The most powerful beliefs in your brain

Were set solid inside your unconscious mind

Before you were even old enough to think for yourself!

It’s true …

When you were a toddler, your brain sucked in everything you were exposed to …

And used that information to create ‘RULES’ that bind your thoughts, your actions, and your RESULTS

… even today.

So if you grew up in an environment where money was a source of STRESS

Or where it was SOMETIMES there, but sometimes NOT there

Or where your parents, your teachers, or ANYONE you came into contact with ever said things like …

‘That’s not for people like us …’

‘The filthy rich …’

Or ‘we just can’t afford it …’

Well, you won’t remember those things consciously …

Yet Your Unconscious Mind Was Listening …

Sucking up those ideas and beliefs like a sponge …

Using them to shape the neural connections inside your brain

And thus, either giving you the brain of a millionaire

Or the brain of someone destined to STRUGGLE.

In short: millionaires have brains that are ‘set’ for success

And you and I do not.

When I saw the research and the science backing all of this up

You can probably imagine my brain was spinning like a top …

And with just 40 hours to go until my deadline with the bank …

I knew I had to put my insights to the test, without a second to spare.

So I took what I’d discovered …

And I applied it to my problems with money.

So … did it work?


In those two days after I made my discovery

I didn’t just make the thirty thousand dollars the bank was demanding …

I made SIXTY thousand dollars!

Yup … a whole thirty thousand dollars EXTRA

… without even consciously TRYING!

Can you imagine how this FEELS?

The incredible POWER to just summon up money whenever you need it …

And actually have MORE than enough??

It was like having the golden ticket to the universe …

Like having MAGICAL POWERS to make millions!

So what happened next?

Well, I kept right on going, honing and refining my approach …

And in the first month, I added an extra five figures to my monthly income.

Suddenly, instead of failing miserably with money …

Now, Every Single Business Venture, Idea, Or Company I Got Involved with SKYROCKETED ...

I felt like I had the ‘Midas Touch’!

Then, a few months later on …

I looked at my bank statements

And saw that I’d realized my biggest financial dream

I’d crossed the invisible barrier and become a millionaire

Yup: using this SIMPLE method

I’d gone from broke, homeless, and eighty thousand dollars in debt

To a real life cash millionaire

In less than one year.

Now here’s where things take a turn for the REALLY weird …

Soon after my millionaire breakthrough, I sold my clinic in Beverly Hills …

And moved to beautiful Atlanta, Georgia …

Where I began doing one on one wealth consulting with CEOs, writers, producers, and more.

And I began to notice something really, really WEIRD …

I could have a group of people in my clinic…

Learning exactly the same techniques about money …

And half of that group would ZOOM to wealth and success

While the other half …

… would continue to STRUGGLE.

What was going ON here??

Why were some people able to create MILLIONS, almost without any effort at all

Yet others still seemed destined for LACK?

And that’s when I made the final connection …

The discovery that has now skyrocketed thousands of lives to a WHOLE NEW UNIVERSE of richness

When I began to apply this breakthrough to my clients …

It was like a nuclear bomb went off …

The ‘millionaire gap’ closed …

And practically everyone’s success began to take off like a space rocket!

One woman went from having a job she absolutely HATED

And taking antidepressants for stress…

To having 21 different sources of residual income

Quitting her job inside of 3 months …

And truly knowing what a RICH life feels like …

… for the first time in her life.

Another client of mine had grown up in a situation of extreme poverty …

And despite now having several degrees and a huge appetite for success …

He continually LOST money every time he tried to make some …

Yet, within just 90 days of applying my breakthrough …

The level of wealth in his life increased dramatically

He went from having a net worth of negative $15,000 …

To Earning In The High Four Figures a WEEK ...

And paid off his debts, CASH.

He said, ‘Steve, I can’t even explain it …’

‘It just feels like my brain is firing on all synapses

‘Like my mind is literally overflowing with creativity and ideas …’

‘And now the money just keeps PILING UP outside my door!’

It was astounding.

So … what was this incredible breakthrough?

Well, as I looked at the easy success of SOME …

Versus the painful struggles of others …

I began to wonder …

Maybe the unconscious mind was only PART of the solution

What if the missing piece of the puzzle was more than just the ‘mind’

What if it was the BRAIN ITSELF?

It made sense when I thought about it …

See, I’d been thinking that the universal success formula was simply …

Thoughts Create Actions Create RESULTS ...

But what if I’d been missing a step all along?

What if there was another, VITAL missing link

Something that made ALL the difference …

Yet that was invisible to most people?

What if the universal success formula was ACTUALLY …

BRAIN Creates Thoughts Creates Actions Creates Results??

What if the reason why millionaires are able to think millionaire thoughts …

And get millionaire results …

Is because they have millionaire BRAINS??

This was crazy stuff …

Yet by now, I was accustomed to trusting my intuition

So I just rolled with it …

And finally, I had this thought:

If I was right …

And millionaires did have not just different thoughts, but different BRAINS

Could It Be Possible To CREATE That Type Of Brain In Ordinary People??

To literally give ANYONE the brain of a millionaire

And thus, the thoughts of a millionaire …

The actions of a millionaire …

And the WEALTH of a millionaire??

Well, ONCE upon a time, the answer would have been NO.

You see, scientists used to believe that, after a certain age, the brain was ‘set’, like concrete …

And you literally could not create new connections or gain new skills in new areas.

Yet, as I discovered …

There has recently been a tremendous neurological breakthrough

One with the power, to …

Bring millions of dollars within the grasp of ANYONE (and I mean, anyone) who uses it …

And it’s called neurogenesis.

‘Neurogenesis’ simply means the creation of new brain cells

And it’s what keeps your brain active, growing, and strengthening

… even as an adult.

Now, To Some Extent, Neurogenesis Happens Naturally Inside Your Brain Anyway …

Yet, there has never been a way to control and direct its power …

… until NOW.

And when I made this connection …

And saw the INCREDIBLE results my clients were having …

I knew the search was over …

I’d done it ...

I’d discovered the final missing piece of the millionaire puzzle

The one thing that targeted not just the unconscious mind

But ALL the right areas of the physical brain, too …

To literally hardwire your brain from the inside out …

And rebuild it as the brain of a MILLIONAIRE

Allowing you to enjoy the mind, the life, and the WEALTH of a millionaire

… almost automatically …

And in just MINUTES a day.

This Is The Solution That Gives Anyone Who Uses It The Brain Of A Millionaire ...

It’s the solution I used in my own life, to go from being homeless and struggling to a cash millionaire in less than one year …

It’s the solution that actors, writers, CEOS, producers and directors pay $25,000 per person for when they come to my clinic …

And it’s the same exact solution that now thousands of others have used around the world …

To create more wealth, success, and joy in their lives than they ever imagined possible …

And I call it …

Total Money Magnetism is the ultimate solution to improving ALL levels of your millionaire mind simultaneously …

And it’s designed in such a way that your brain will begin to transform the very first time you use it …

So what does it FEEL like?

Well, you know those days where your brain feels sluggish …

… and it takes a serious effort to get ANYTHING done?

Well, imagine the exact opposite of that feeling ...

And you’ll have just a HINT of what the Total Money Magnetism experience feels like …

Imagine, all of the new cells required ...

The neural connections ...

The synapses ...

The exact same neurological structure, drive, and POWER of a true millionaire’s brain ...

Now your mind is fully awake, alert, and ALIVE…

Instead of floundering on the couch, trying to pep talk yourself into action …

Now, creativity, ideas, and actions literally FLOOD from your brain …

You’re able to move effortlessly towards WHATEVER result you desire …

No experience of mental or physical fatigue whatsoever …

And instead of being controlled by stress, fear, or uncertainty …

Now, YOU are the master of your mind, instead of being a slave to it…

So, How Exactly Does It Work?

Well, this technology goes to work on your brain by immediately stimulating controlled neurogenesis inside your brain …

And, thanks to the specific engineering of Total Money Magnetism …

A state known as ‘wealth hyper-creation’ is triggered specifically in the areas of your brain responsible for wealth and success …

Improving not only your unconscious millionaire mind

But your neural pathways and synapses, energy, memory, drive, and focus, too …

Resulting in a peak performance MILLIONAIRE’S brain

One that’s tested and backed by over 30 years of clinical research and results …

And, best of all?

My millionaire method was created to permanently improve your brain and mind

So that even if you stop using the method …

The benefits are positive, immediate, and permanent.

So, Here’s Exactly What You’re Going To Get …

First is the Total Money Magnetism manual …

This is the fully complete, step by step manual, that …

Contains everything you need to ‘prep’ your brain for the incredible wealth building experience you’re about to undergo …

Full of cutting edge, neurologically sound wealth creation techniques and brain-engaging practices

This manual engages parts of your brain that no other course or program has EVER accessed before…

Literally ‘massaging’ your internal wealth creation facilities, and …

Physiologically preparing your brain for the incredible results that you’re about to experience …

Next, you’ll do the ‘Brain Harddrive Override’ …

Which is EXACTLY what the name suggests it is …

A permanent ‘wipe’ of all the toxic beliefs and habits that are sabotaging your wealth-building brain from the inside …

This process takes only a few minutes of your time …

You only have to do it ONCE

And when you have?

It’s like removing the sludge from your brain …

You will experience an instant clarity of mind

A complete removal of the ‘smog’ that’s built up in your brain after a lifetime of toxicity

Resulting in an instant rush of clarity, acuity, euphoria, and vision

Next, you’ll discover the ‘Millionaire Results Amplifier’ …

A simple, ultra-powerful process that specifically improves your synaptic and neural connections, to …

Amplify the immediate impact of the wealth technology itself, instantly and ongoing …

In fact, many people have used this Results Amplifier ALONE, and…

Increased their income by up to 400% in just one month, all by itself …

Next, there’s the Millionaire Brain Building technology itself …

And this is where your results really kick into overdrive

Because this is the technology that literally rebuilds your millionaire’s brain

Enhances your mental functioning, drive, ambition, and productivity…

And specifically strengthens the areas of your brain you need most, to …

Experience life as a millionaire …

By triggering your millionaire brain to work faster, smoother, and more powerfully than ever before …

Yes, It Really Is That Simple, Easy, And Powerful …

Simply take a few minutes a day…

Relax in your seat …

Let the most most potent millionaire technology in the world go to work organizing and improving your brain all by itself …

And the mental, physical, and millionaire results come …

… automatically.

You don’t even have to move a muscle.

Can you imagine how your life is going to CHANGE when you have this?

When you experience this?

When you have this incredible power?

The ability to not just THINK like a millionaire …

But to actually BE a millionaire?

How much is it worth to you to have this power for yourself?

How much is it worth to leave financial anxiety behind FOREVER

And have MORE than enough money to live however YOU want to live …

To never work again, if that’s what you feel like …

To have the FREEDOM to choose your own life …

A life according to your OWN rules?

Because Really, That’s What Money’s All About, Isn’t It …

It’s the power to CHOOSE.

The power to be FREE.

The power to figure out what YOU want to do

And then, without any time lag or delay whatsoever …

The power to DO it.

And look, I don’t want to get heavy here…

But I see so many men and women in MISERY because they don’t have that power for themselves …

Men and women who want more than anything to experience that freedom and pleasure for themselves …

Yet who just don’t have the tools necessary to experience it …

And, as a result, will go through life HOPING for more …

Instead of EXPERIENCING it.

It sounds scary, but …

Studies show that 95% of Americans will NEVER be financially free …

And a full 93% will never call themselves truly happy.

I don’t want that for you.

So, holding that in the back of your mind

What do YOU think would be a fair price for Total Money Magnetism?

To become one of the RARE people who doesn’t just hope for more…

But who actually EXPERIENCES it?

Here’s one way to look at it …

As I mentioned earlier, my clients people me $25,000 per person for access to these secrets ….

Yet, I do know what it’s like when money is “a little tight”

And I know that, at times like that …

Even when you want something SO MUCH, and …

You know it’s going to change your life forever …

Sometimes you just can’t justify giving yourself what you KNOW you need …

So look …

I’ve already used this method to become a multi, multi millionaire MANY times over …

And yeah, I like money …

But I really don’t need any more of it …

At this point, I would much rather empower you to live the life you really WANT to live

And if I become a laughingstock with my peers for pricing my services so ridiculously low?

If I have to sacrifice my own profit?

Well, then that’s just the way it has to be …

So, because you’ve given me your valuable time in watching this video…

I’m going to give YOU a gift in return …

Because you are not going to pay $25,000 ...

You're not going to pay $2,500 ...

You're not even going to pay $250...

For you today ...

Im setting the price of total money magnetism at just one single payment ...

… of only $47.

Just click the big Add to Cart button below to opt in … And it’s all yours immediately ...

$197 $47

That’s right …

I’m giving you the entire program for literally a 99.2% discount

… Why?

Because once upon a time, I was struggling and scared and broke

And someone helped ME become a millionaire, when I NEVER thought it would happen …

And now, I want to pass that power on to you.

But you have to act right now.

See, the price is the good news

But now, here’s the bad news …

This offer is EXTREMELY timesensitive …

And once I close the doors, it’ll be gone forever.

Why? …

Because this method was extremely tough for me to create …

Therefore, I only want to make it available to people who are going to respect its power

And USE it to create incredible results.

Since you’re still seeing this video now, it means the doors have not closed YET

But if you go away and try to come back later …

And you missed your chance …

Please don’t give me a hard time about it …

Because if you don’t act NOW then there’s unfortunately nothing I can do for you …

Therefore, please click the button RIGHT NOW

You are about to get your hands on the most powerful millionaire method in the world …

In fact, it’s SO powerful, that …

It is fully guaranteed to change your life

That’s right, by investing right now you are completely safe and protected

With my 60 day 100% money back guarantee.

That’s right, by investing right now you are completely safe and protected … With my 60 day 100% money back guarantee.

Here’s how it works …

Click the button now

You’ll be taken to a 100% secure order page …

Place your order …

Download the technology right away …

Start using it …

Take a full 60 days to do whatever you like to test out and play with this program …

And if for ANY reason you’re not 100% satisfied

Then simply send my staff an email at support@totalmoneymagnetism.com

And we’ll give you every dime back just as quick as the banks will let us process it …

Absolutely no questions asked.

So How Can I Afford To Be So Generous?

Because I KNOW how incredible this program really is …

I KNOW how well it works …

It is the only one of its kind in the world, and it is truly incredible …

In fact, I’ve literally had other customers say to me …

‘Steve, becoming rich really shouldn’t be this easy and simple’…

… And my response?

“And yet, IT IS.

Go ahead and click the Add to Cart button below right now …

$197 $47

And you will be accessing the incredible power of my millionaire method in less than 2 minutes from now …

Plus, if you’re STILL not sure?

Then this will help you make up your mind

Because I’ve got 3 very special gifts for you today …

Just for saying YES to Total Money Magnetism right now …

Your 1st Gift
The Millionaires’ Mindset

This is an exclusive interview with real life self-made millionaires, that …

Is guaranteed to improve your ability to experience wealth

I’m talking serious results here…

Because you’ll see EXACTLY how these guys went from ‘negative net worth’ to MILLIONS of dollars

(Dollar value $97 all by itself…)

Your 2nd Gift
The 3 Fastest Ways To Make Millions Online

Millionaire and genius marketer Mark Ling’s 3 fastest ways to make millions online …

A premier video course, that …

Gives you an exact step by step plan to making millions of dollars online

Just the way he did …

And this plan is SO simple, that …

I personally promise, it will work for YOU …

Even if you can barely click a mouse, and have NO experience with computers, writing, or technology whatsoever …

Because when you’ve got Mark Ling, one of the most highly acclaimed internet marketers in the world, as your mentor …

There to answer all your questions and walk with you THROUGH the process …

It’s so easy …

Dollar value: $297 …

Your 3nd Gift
The Platinum Millionaire Mind Makers

I’m going to give you my most indepth Wealth Creation sister package ever …

Three of my all-time most soughtafter hypnosis tracks …

Today: yours free!

Just listen along to the sound of my voice …

And in less than 30 days, I will rewire your brain to stop procrastination

Experience unlimited creativity

And unlimited motivation

Like you’ve NEVER imagined.

See, as a world-famous hypnotherapist, these are the most critical issues I run into daily with my clients …

Hence, a real solution that goes to work IMMEDIATELY on your brain …

Without you even thinking about it.

Dollar value: $239.85 …

So let’s add it up:

You already know that the minimum price for my services is $25,000 per person

Then you’re also getting The Millionaires’ Mindset

Mark Ling’s 3 Fastest Ways to Make Millions Online

AND my 3 platinum-quality hypnosis audio tracks

The sum total?

$25,633.84 …

Yet today, I’m giving it all to you for just $47 …

That’s a discount SO MASSIVE you’re basically winning the lottery right now …

And all you have to do to take advantage of this incredible deal, is click the button below RIGHT NOW

I hope you’re EXCITED about enrolling in this program …

Because you should be …

You’re about to get your hands on the ONLY millionaire blueprint in the world that literally downloads a millionaire’s brain into your head…

But you really do need to act RIGHT NOW

As there are thousands of people currently watching this video …

And at any moment, we could reach our maximum intake and close the doors forever …

Plus, I want you to remember that this isn’t just about making an easy buck …

This is about taking care of yourself, your future, and the people who matter most to you …

And you can either choose to TRY and accomplish that goal, in ….

The same exact way as 90% of all others will …

Keep struggling, working, and HOPING

And keep getting the same RESULTS as that 90% …

Or, you can take my hand right now…

And, instead of trying to BREAK the door of money and success down with sheer effort …

You can let me GIVE YOU the key…

… that opens it immediately.

Let’s be honest, you WANT this…

You want a life of MORE

A life as a millionaire

Not ‘some time’ …

Not ‘maybe’ …


And I am the ONE PERSON in the world who is PROVEN to be able to actually give you what you want…

I can make you into a millionaire …

I’ve done it before, and I’ll do it again

Why shouldn’t the next millionaire be YOU?

You risk NOTHING …

You get ALL your money back right away if you’re not happy for any reason …

And this could be your ONLY CHANCE to claim your insane discount

To step aboard the boat before I have to close the hatch forever …

It is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT that you hit the big Add To Cart button right now …

As this video is now ending …

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So let me leave you with one final thought …

If you feel like there’s an abyss between you and the life you WANT to live …

Then just make a teensy, tiny, EASY decision right now …

Just cross the threshold WITH me …

I have made this SO easy, SO powerful, and SO effortless for you that you literally can’t lose …

In fact, the only way you can lose right now…

Is if you CHOOSE not to act.

But I think you’ve spent enough time struggling ...

I think you want and need MORE

Before it’s too late …

Just click the button below …

Do something truly amazing for yourself and your loved ones …

I personally guarantee you won’t regret it …

I’m Steve G Jones … and I can’t wait to hear about your amazing success!

Step 1 of 3: No-Risk Secure Acceptance Form

Yes Author! Please rush me my copy of your "Total Money Magnetism", including INSTANT ACCESS to all of the bonus material for only $47!

I understand that I will receive:

Total Money Magnetism

You'll receive instant download access to this complete wealth-building system that will effortlessly and automatically re-build your brain into the brain of a millionaire.

Packed with wealth-building strategies, advice, exercises, and stories from Steve’s own life…

This program will quickly and easily get you on the path to wealth, success and total financial freedom!

Written by world renowned hypnotherapist and multimillionaire Dr. Steve G. Jones

I understand that I will also receive the following special bonuses:

Total Money Magnetism Millionaire Brain-Building Hypnosis Tracks

This program also includes six custom-built hypnosis mp3 tracks recorded by Dr. Steve G. Jones, which have been specifically designed to effortlessly reprogram your mind for wealth and success!

With this Millionaire Brain Building technology, you will rapidly and drastically improve your brain’s connections, focus, and drive, in the precise areas of your brain where millionaire wealth is created.

First, toxic thoughts, doubts and beliefs will be eradicated from your mind. Next, the ultimate millionaire mindset will be hardwired into your brain.

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Three Platinum Self-Hypnosis Sessions With Dr. Steve G. Jones

With this program, you get instant access to three of Dr. Steve G. Jones' most sought-after platinum hypnosis tracks, that have a RRP of $79.95 each!

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If you have any questions about 'Total Money Magnetism', don't hesitate to contact us using the link on the homepage. I look forward to hearing of your success with my course.

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