






Renegade Millionaire Reveals Secret Of…

(Rich Hollywood clients pay this doctor up to $25,000 to get them to the NEXT LEVEL of success, by using this breakthrough neuroscience method. It sounds crazy, but TODAY you will see why he’s practically giving it away, at least for a little while…)

Note: The method you’re about to learn can work extremely quickly – in as little as one week! For example, listen to this:

“I’m a salesman and I came to Dr Steve G. Jones for help in boosting my income.
In the WEEK following my session, I made an extra $10,000 in commissions. I now look back and laugh at the small price he charges… I used to think it was a lot… now I’m on a whole new level of thinking, and income. Steve, you ROCK!!!”

A. Valenstein. Thousand Oaks, CA

Hi there,

I'm Dr. Steve g. Jones. You may have seen me before in forbes or people magazines, or on cnn, nbc or cbs.

And if you would like to increase your weekly income by $250, $500, $1000, or more...

Whether youd like a little more cash, or whether you want the kind of money that will allow you to enjoy a lifetime of the absolute BEST that life has to offer every single day...

Then what im about to reveal will make you see that this is absolutely possible for YOU...

Because it’s the EXACT same system that Hollywood actors, directors, and famous star athletes pay me $25k per session to share with them…

It’s ALL because of a little-known yet clinically proven six step millionaire mind SECRET…

That awakens your natural, inborn ability to make as much money as you want, any time you want… No matter WHERE you’re coming from right now

By giving you the thoughts of a millionaire, and the MIND of a millionaire…

So that faster and easier than you EVER dreamed possible, you can draw in a lifetime of financial freedom, and incredible wealth and JOY (…it’ll only take you a few MINUTES a day)!

…Skeptical? I can’t say I blame you…

Yet, I absolutely INSIST that this clinically proven Six Step Secret is the ONE THING that will propel you forward into a lifetime of wealth and true financial freedom

To give you the astonishing PROOF of exactly how well this secret works, on anyone who uses it…

I need you to hear this short, shocking story


What I’m about to share with you is a very personal story from my life, and I am only sharing this embarrassing confession with you so you can see the TRUTH about this life-changing neuroscience breakthrough…

This story starts with a skinny, scared little six year old boy…

A six year old boy who just watched his mom die of cancer, and whose dad is turning into an alcoholic right before his eyes.

Imagine that boy right now, and you’ve got an image of me, as a young kid.

See, my dad worked hard to raise me, but my mom’s painful death took a massive toll on him, and before long, most of our weekly income was being blown on alcohol.

From what I experienced as a kid, I just automatically grew to believe that money is hard to come by… That life is hard work

…And that if I ever wanted to make anything of my life, it would be a long, hard road.

And as an adult? That’s EXACTLY how life was for me…

I was literally REPELLING money… As soon as it entered my bank account, it was gone.

In fact, when I first opened my clinic in Beverly Hills, I felt like a fraud.

From the OUTSIDE, I seemed to have it all…

I was a young consultant with a high-end clinic in Beverly Hills, with a growing reputation and plenty of wealthy clients… Even all my office neighbors were mega-successful plastic surgeons.

But the REALITY was something so EMBARRASSING, that I hid it from the world (and from myself), like a deformed limb…

The truth was, I was eighty THOUSAND dollars in credit card debt…

And I was literally sleeping in my office each night, because I couldn’t afford a room to rent.

Sure, I was getting some clients…

But my rent was so ridiculously high, that I couldn’t even afford to meet my MINIMUM card repayments.

So, what did I do?

Well, I simply blocked it out.

I was too scared to even look at my bank statements… So I just pretended the debt didn’t exist.

I kept on going, working sixty hours a week and struggling… While in the background, my credit card balance silently grew and grew…

…Like a suspicious lump you’re too scared to get checked.

And then, late one Friday afternoon, it all caught up to me at once, with an impact that struck me like a punch in the gut.

I was just finishing up with a client, when without warning, a representative from the bank just showed up at my clinic…

Trying to act calm, I walked my client to the door…

But as soon as the door closed behind him, my hands started shaking, and my armpits bloomed with cold sweat…

I instinctively knew… the jig was up.

When the young, clean-shaven bank rep walked into my office carrying a briefcase, I seriously couldn’t have felt more paralyzed if he’d been a bearded Viking holding a broadsword.

He straightened his lapels, looked me dead in the eye, and said “Dr Jones, please sit down…”, as he handed me a formal letter.

He told me that the balloon payment on my massive bank debt was now due… 
And then he uttered one short, greedy sentence that swallowed up my entire future in one quick gulp:

“Dr. Jones, if we haven’t received payment of at least $30,239, by no later than 3pm on the last Monday of this month…”

“…Then we will have no choice but to refer your case to our debt collection agency… who will then proceed to take legal action against you.”

He was launching a Molotov cocktail right into the center of my life… And there wasn’t a THING I could do about it.

Because if I didn’t hand over thirty grand in three weeks, then they were going to SUE

And I was going to lose my clinic …

My job …

My ‘home’ …

… Everything.

begged for more time… But he refused.

Said something about how ‘the terms of my credit had always been clear’… And now, they were calling in the debt.

As soon as the door closed behind him, I pounced on the phone with my heart stuttering in my chest …

And over the next hour, I called EVERYONE I knew, shamelessly begging for help…But nobody could offer a dime.

And slowly, I realized:

This was it. There was no escape.

I was going to have to file for bankruptcy

Publicly declare my failure

Lose my clients...

My reputation...

And destroy any hope of ever opening another clinic, getting a decent job, or even purchasing my own home...

As no bank, broker, or employer was ever going to open the door to me now.

That night, lying on the small, uncomfortable couch in my office, I had never felt so alone and terrified in my life…

I couldn’t stop going over all the ways I’d messed up my life …

How I was a failure as an adult… How I was a failure as a MAN How I’d never find the right woman and start a family… And all for WHAT??

I couldn’t stop thinking of how ashamed my Mom would have been… the things my Dad

would say when he found out… And how I’d be a laughingstock to all of my colleagues and clients.

I spent that night staring into the darkest abyss of my life.

But, little did I know, things were about to get even crazier

Because not two days later, I got a wakeup call that felt like God himself reached out and tapped me right on the shoulder…

What happened was, I was at the grocery store, stocking up on tinned beans and crackers (the only food I could afford at the time)…

When, right there in the dry goods aisle, I bumped into an old friend of mine, Dan.

Dan was an entrepreneur, who owned a successful publishing business. And, I’m ashamed to admit it, but when he asked me how I was, I didn’t even answer him… Instead, I just blurted everything out like a drowning man clutching for a life raft…

“I’m in trouble, man,” I said. “I need some help… do you think I could borrow some money?”

He asked how much, and when I told him the amount, Dan barely batted an eyelid. Instead, he just wanted to know WHY I needed it…

And when I told him the mess I’d gotten myself into, he said:

No way will I lend you the money… BUT what if I told you how you could MAKE the money… not just THIS time… but ANY time you want?”

Without even waiting for me to answer, he led me to the Starbucks next door, and over a couple of cappuccinos, he did something almost ABSURD…

Something that felt both shockingly INTENSE, yet somehow, also as relaxing as slipping into a warm bath…

(And you’ll understand EXACTLY what I mean by this in just a second, so keep reading, because the most important part is coming up…)

Sitting there in the coffee shop, he started talking to me in this sing-song tone

Right away, I felt tingles like a centipede creeping up my spine… my eyelids kind of fluttered… And pretty soon, something WEIRD started happening...

Because I felt this strange confidence rising up in me like a balloon… And I felt that fog of anxiety and fear in my head start to clear…

It was crazy!

I remember thinking, ‘Is THIS what real happiness feels like..?’

I’d never felt anything like it before…

Then he stopped talking, and that’s when the most important moment of my life happened right there in the coffee shop…

I … Woke … UP.

I felt like I’d been sleepwalking through my whole life, and someone had just reached out and shaken me awake…

And when I said as much to Dan, he looked at me, winked, and said ‘Yup.’

So… what happened next??

What was it that Dan did to me that day? And, did it work?

Well, fast-forward to today, and these days, I’m a multi-millionaire several times over…

I’ve been featured in Forbes magazine, People magazine, and countless radio and TV interviews…

My clients include celebrities, executives, CEOs, directors and star athletes…

And I charge $25k per person for the same exact six step secret I’m about to give you right now…

This six step secret changed EVERYTHING for me…
The same way it’s going to change everything for you, too…

You see, when I left my friend at the coffee shop that day, I walked home in a mental state that I had NEVER experienced before…

Normally, my mind was a jumble of evil thoughts and negativity… All the ways I was a screw up, and how I could never get ahead.

But not that day…

After discovering this incredible secret, I suddenly felt alive… awake

And instead of being clouded with evil thoughts, my mind was now BUZZING with ideas and inspiration…

I wasn’t ‘tense’… wasn’t ‘jittery’… just clear

And best of all, that heavy sense of doubt and fear had lifted…

And that’s when, as if out of nowhere, something absolutely CRAZY popped into my head…

See, I’d had a small online business ‘on the side’ these last couple of years, and while that brought in a FEW dollars here and there, it sure wasn’t accumulating a lot of cash

It just sort of went along in the background, and every now and again I’d see a few bucks pop into my account…

But walking home from the café that day, like a flicker of inspiration from God himself… An IDEA popped into my head.

Right away, I whipped out my phone and called my business partner, Frank, and told him what I had in mind…

And I finished by saying…

“So I figure my idea will make us about $60,000 over the next three weeks… are you game?”

‘Uhhh,’ said Frank… ‘wait, are you serious?’

‘As a heart attack,’ I said confidently…

Well, Frank hemmed and hawed about making the changes, but the prospect of a free $60,000 must have sounded pretty convincing, because by the time I'd arrived at my clinic, we’d struck a deal.

So, I got right to work.

And it was really weird, because overall, I didn’t even do that much… not really...

I reached out to a few of our customers, I changed just a few little things about the business, and I tweaked a few things here and there…

But, the truth is… It really didn’t feel like I was doing anything at all.

Yet, as the weeks went by, it was like I’d stepped through the looking glass, and ended up in a strange new world…

A world where money almost grew on trees…

Because, as the days turned into weeks, things started happening…

Like the tiny rumble preceding an avalanche, first, little trickles of money started coming in… Then a bit more…

And then, one day, it was like the floodgates just OPENED… And everything just erupted like a volcano exploding!!

More and more people started FLOODING to the business, just begging to buy what we were selling…

And in absolute shock, I watched with breathless glee, as my idea wasn’t just WORKING… It was EXPLODING like a space rocket taking off!!

By the time the bank’s deadline rolled around three weeks later, I gave the books one final going-over, and my heart thumping with adrenaline, my cheeks hot with pride…

I saw that we had netted a total of just over $59,920…

Nearly 60 thousand dollars had just ‘appeared’… It felt like magic… It was amazing!

And as for Frank?

Well, his eyes were like saucers…

Looking at the business account, his jaw was literally hanging open…

“Holy crap, Steve!” he said... “What did you DO??”

Some little ideas…
Some BIG ones…
Some that worked in just a few days…
Some that took weeks or months to kick in…
Some that brought money IN, and some that allowed me to save money, or get the stuff I wanted for free.

With the influx of fresh energy and new ideas, my clinic truly took off, and my clients began to experience success like NEVER before…

Things just kept happening faster and getting better, until just one year later, my accountant called me up, and with a huge grin I could hear in his voice, he officially congratulated me on becoming a real-life MILLIONAIRE.

I had done it.

I’d escaped the debt trap… Turned failure into success… Saved my financial LIFE… Created the life I’d always wished could be mine (yet had never dared to truly hope for…)

… And it was ALL because of the incredible power of the 6-step millionaire mind secret I’d gotten that day in the coffee shop.

So, what WAS the secret I got that day? How do you USE it? And how do you know if it will work for YOU, in YOUR life??

Well, those are all excellent questions…

And the best way for me to answer those questions, is with another short story that answers them all perfectly…

You see, when I saw the incredible results this secret was creating in my life, I knew I had to find out what the heck was actually going on here…

knew I had to find out what the heck was actually going on here…

So I met Dan at Starbucks again, and I begged him to please explain to me exactly what he’d DONE.

He looked me in the eye across the table…

‘Well, Steve,’ he said…

‘I didn’t want to tell you the first time, because you were too freaked out to hear it, but the truth is…’

‘What I did was very simple… I gave you a new brain.’

I looked at him, waiting for the other shoe to drop …

‘… What do you mean?’ I asked finally …

‘Just that,’ he said calmly …

You had the brain of a poor person…’

‘So I deprogrammed it, and took out all the blocks and negative thought programs that were keeping you stuck, and gave you a new brain …’

‘… a brain with extremely powerful mental connections and neural strength in the areas related to money, success, and wealth.

Over the next 20 minutes, what Dan told me shook my entire concept of money and success like an avalanche 

He told me he’d stumbled upon this secret himself some years ago, and this was what he’d personally used to create seven figure business after seven figure business…

... would you like to know what it was that he revealed? Yes? Good answer ;)

Imagine this…

Your brain is the machine that drives your life …

Every time you do anything, it comes directly from a THOUGHT that your brain had …

Without the thought driving the action, there IS no action, right?

So that means …

If you don’t have the thoughts of a rich person, then you’ll never have the life, the money, or the results of a rich person…

Because it turns out that no wealth is possible without the right kind of THOUGHTS driving it…

And the right kind of thoughts aren’t possible without the right kind of brain driving them…

So for now, all you need to know is this:

Your thoughts are the drivers of your success, and they come from the machine running your life: Your BRAIN.

And this is where it gets REALLY interesting…

Structurally, rich people have a certain type of BRAIN… Whereas people like you and me, we have another.

‘Typically,’ Dan said, ‘Rich people have incredible neural strength and connectivity in the areas of their brain that make them wealthy and successful…’

‘…They literally have a ‘RICH BRAIN’…’

‘They have all the mental programming and neural pathways necessary to draw in vast wealth and success …’

‘To the point that, for a person with a rich brain, it almost doesn’t matter what
they do…’

‘Their brain, the machine driving their life, will see to it that they end up rich no matter WHAT…’

‘Just look at Steve Jobs… If he’d had a poor person’s brain he would have sunk without a trace…’

‘He grew up with an incredibly challenging life, he flunked out of university, he got fired from multiple jobs…’

‘But because he had a RICH brain with RICH programming …’

‘His brain saw to it that he became wealthy and successful no matter what he did…’

But for folks like you and me, we weren’t born with that rich brain…’

‘We TRY to model what the naturally rich people do, and we TRY to make good decisions and accumulate wealth and success…’

‘We TRY to model what the naturally rich people do, and we TRY to make good decisions and accumulate wealth and success…’

‘But it’s like our brain is a record with a scratch in it… the needle just keeps skipping and getting stuck in that same scratch, and our life never seems to really CHANGE for the better…’

‘…So all I did was reshape your brain for you, so that your brain could finally awaken all the key parts necessary for making money.

Well, I thought about it…

And yeah, I knew that whatever Dan had done had worked…

Yet, I’m a doctor with an Ed.D. from Georgia Southern University…

So, hearsay wasn’t enough, I needed to see the medical proof for myself…

So I did more research, and what I found is going to shock the pants off you…

Picture this

Your brain is a past and future oriented survival machine…

And its ONE priority is to keep you alive and breathing no matter what…

Which means that, to your brain, anything ‘new’ is a THREAT:

New ideas…

New opportunities…

New chances for wealth and success…

Even if they’re good things, your brain sees all new things as DANGER…

Now, it’s not that your brain wants you to FAIL

It’s just that your brain evolved to deal with a very different world…

A world where threats were EVERYWHERE, and every time you left the house (or the cave), you might never come back…

So your brain wants to keep you safe and secure (and struggling)… because to your brain, what it ‘KNOWS’ is ‘safe’…

You might be broke, but at least you’re ALIVE… And to your brain, that is success…

So it keeps you STUCK in the same old life… Facing the same problems… Worrying the same worries… Never really seeing results.

Now, we don’t live in caveman times any more, and last time I checked, finding dinner didn’t involve wrestling any saber tooth tigers…

Because the world has evolved and moved forward, but your brain hasn’t…

Your brain is still stuck in the ‘survival wiring’, that keeps you sitting on the couch, seeing opportunities as risks, and basically staying stuck in that record scratch of failure

Which was great when we had hungry saber-tooth tigers to avoid…

But which today, means your mind has literally BLINDED itself to all of the skills, talents, and mental abilities necessary for making money

Skills like:

Opportunity awareness…

All of the skills necessary to make money have been turned ‘off’ from inside your brain… All because of a simple ‘glitch’ in your brain’s survival programming

Programming that served you well once upon a time…

Yet that now, has literally pre-programmed you to go through life with a POOR person’s brain… instead of a RICH person’s brain.

This is why you feel ‘stuck’ in the same problems in your life…

This is why you keep trying to change your life, but instead you just keep getting the same results…

It’s not your fault at all

It’s simply your brain following its survival instinct to keep you ALIVE… In a way that no longer serves you.

Can you see how a brain that’s operating in this ‘survival state’ of scarcity, is a brain that will NEVER be able to bridge the gap and become truly rich?

If you said YES, then you’d be RIGHT

Yet, it’s not ALL bad news… Here’s the final piece of the puzzle:

Most people, scientists included, used to think that after a certain age, your brain ‘sets’ like concrete…

And that all your mental programming and neural pathways are set in stone…

And it’s no wonder, because unfortunately, most people do live their lives this way…

Never ‘upgrading’ their mental hardware, and never reaching their full wealth potential...

But here’s the really great news…

Over 40 years of neuroscience research has now proven that you can change your brain, at ANY age… Including the part of your brain related to wealth and money...

Which means, even if you’ve had a ‘poor person’s brain’ all your life, you can CHOOSE to replace it with a RICH brain…

A brain that’s better, faster, stronger, more powerful than ever before…

A brain that naturally draws in your financial dreams, and sees to it that you just get richer and more successful in life no matter what happens…

And best of all?

All it’ll take you is just a few minutes a day… using the same exact method that Dan used on me in the coffee shop that day.

When I read all of the brain science research backing it up, I was galvanized

I realized that what had happened to me wasn’t just some weird ‘coincidence’, or ‘placebo effect’… this was the real deal

In fact, I discovered that more than two years of full-time, clinical study and testing has gone into the research of this method…

And it has actually been trialed and tested in its earliest form by the British Psychological Medicine group - that’s an internationally renowned medical group that publishes a journal

Those scientists tested the basis for this method under the most rigorous medical trials imaginable, and they still couldn’t find a flaw.

They were forced to conclude that the basis for this method was medically sound and would work for the vast majority of people who tried it…

They were forced to conclude that the basis for this method was medically sound and would work for the vast majority of people who tried it…

So with this astonishing research backing me up like a brick wall, I took what I’d learned, and I went ahead and designed a SYSTEM

A system that would deprogram the ‘poor person’s brain’ inside your skull right now, and effortlessly, naturally, QUICKLY replace it with the brain of a RICH person…

Not just neurologically, but emotionally, psychologically, mentally, even physically

A system that would give anyone who used it the neural capacity, strength, power and drive of a millionaire

By giving them the thoughts, the brain, and the LIFE of a millionaire…

And allow anyone who used it, to turn ‘desire’ into a lifetime of wealth.

And best of all, you will see the results in your life NOT in a few months from now… NOT even in a few weeks from now…

… This method works with such precision and hyper-focused SPEED, that most people start to see result starting from the very first time they use it!

So, I went ahead and developed the method further, so it would specifically target the key parts of your brain that are crucial for generating wealth and success.

I spent almost 22 months researching and refining this method into six easy steps that ANYONE could follow, to easily deprogram their ‘poor person’s brain’ and replace it with the brain of a MILLIONAIRE…

I tested it out on clients, friends, and even people off the street… And here’s what they had to say:

“I’m a salesman and I came to Dr Steve Jones for help in boosting my income. ‘In the WEEK following, I made an extra $10,000 in commissions… Now I’m on a whole new level of thinking, and income… Steve, you ROCK!!!”

Avi Valenstein, Thousand Oaks, CA

My dearest Steve, Adore this program. Started with 100% commitment from Day 1. The results are profound beyond words! Watched a steady growth unfolding. The indepth transformation and understanding remarkable. With love and gratitude, share your site and emails with all”

Nadine, via email

“Hi Dr Jones, I find your program highly beneficial, life changing and wealth building. Please keep up your great work ... You can rest assured I will be recommending your great life changing program to others. God bless. Sincerely,”

Winston I. Henry.

“The material is top notch!”


 “After listening to your material, I have now found myself both a business partner and an investor who wants to invest 1.5 million dollars in my concept …’

‘Meanwhile my partner has been headhunted twice for 2 jobs, one which is triple his pay… All in the space of a month! Incredible… thanks for your great sessions.”

M.W., UK

Look, these are real testimonials from real people who used my method and saw real results

And unlike some hypey scheme where they say ‘these results are not typical’, guess what: I see results like this ALL the time…

The material simply works

Which is why just about ALL of the people I tested this method on say they wouldn’t part with it for ANY amount of money ….

According to them, since they’ve tried my method, everything just seems EASIER now… Opportunities just seem to fall into their laps…

All the procrastination, doubt, and the fear that kept them stuck and living small, are gone…

And their dreams of becoming wealthy… Of shedding debt… Of quitting work, travelling the world, getting that house on the beach, becoming financially FREE

Are now no longer just a hope or a dream… Not a wish or even a belief But a reality.

So here we are right NOW

With you standing in a doorway, staring at the door to a lifetime of true wealth
And I’m about to unlock that door for you…


Before I swing open the door all the way, and give you the tested and proven 6 step millionaire mind secret that’s changed so many lives already…

There’s one more thing I need you to understand…

This method isn’t a GAME… It is POWER

The power to deliberately change your mind into the mind of a millionaire

To literally sculpt and mold the pathways and connections of your wealth-creating brain…

To convert your dreams and hopes of a better, richer life, into your proven, tangible, day to day REALITY…

All you have to do is just flick the switch, and your mind and brain will automatically adjust…

Imagine… all the resources you could ever need, right there at your fingertips…

Not just the financial resources, but the mental resources

Emotional resources…

Social support… Ideas… Skills …

Stamina… Drive… Inspiration…

The ability to SEE what you want, and just reach out and TAKE it…

It’s like nothing you’ve ever experienced before…

It’s honestly like magic.

So, let me ask you… Are you READY to experience life as a millionaire..?

To assume your BIRTHRIGHT of true wealth?

To have a future 100% FREE from financial anxiety?

To achieve your natural, innate moneymaking ability… The one you were BORN with… The one you’ve never been able to experience fully until NOW?

Because if you are (and I know you are), then I’m ready to let you inside the door

Give you the benefits of the MONTHS of hard work I and my team did testing this stuff out, on men and women of EVERY age, in every possible type of financial situation you can think of…

And now, after seeing the incredible results these men and women experienced in their lives as a result of my method…

Now, it’s your turn to experience those incredible results for yourself…

When my team and I got to work mapping out the proven and tested 6 step secret of the MILLIONAIRE’S Brain, we knew 3 things:

#1: It had to be FAST, because people need results quickly, so it had to work without fail in just minutes a day

#2: It had to be EASY… Literally as close to automatic as possible, so you don’t have to worry about coming up with any ideas or doing anything yourself …

#3: It needed to be scientifically tested and proven to work, so that nobody could fail and the whole method would literally be foolproof …

So that’s exactly what we did…

Together, we created a millionaire mind method that allows you to make as much money as you want, any time you want… No matter where you’re coming from right now.

And we call it…

Total Money Magnetism:
The Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires +
Six Step Millionaire Brain-Building Audio Program

Total Money Magnetism is the millionaire mind method that quickly and systematically awakens your natural, inborn money-making abilities, in six easy steps

The first part of this fail-proof method is my Total Money Magnetism Secret Neuroscience of Millionaires manual…

This is the step-by-step blueprint to de-programming your poor person’s brain, and replacing it with all of the skills, drive, focus, creativity, and SUCCESS of a true MILLIONAIRE’S brain…

And this next bit is the really incredible part…

My six-step secret millionaire brain audio program… The neuroscience technology which AMPLIFIES the results of Total Money Magnetism and virtually guarantees your success.

When you ‘tune in’ to my six millionaire brain audio tracks, this is when your results really kick into overdrive

Because these powerful mp3 tracks contain the scientifically PROVEN technology which AWAKENS your RICH brain Triggering your brain to work faster, smoother, and more powerfully than ever before…

And rapidly and drastically improving the connections, focus, and drive in the exact areas of your brain needed for millionaire wealth.

This is the same EXACT millionaire brain technology that top Hollywood actors, directors, executives and sports stars pay me 25k per session to access… and today, you can get instant access to it for a mere FRACTION of this price! (We’ll get to that soon…)

As I previously mentioned, this system is clinically tested and PROVEN to work, and it’s SO much easier than you’d ever believe…

… Complete the full six stages of this six part secret to awakening your rich person’s brain, and I GUARANTEE you will see results that are going to blow your mind!

I’ve already tested and ironed out every last possible kink, so all you have to do is simply relax, listen in, and follow along…

You don’t have to do any thinking of your own…

You don’t have to do any work or fill out any exercise booklets…

This system is fully automated and attuned to work with the natural action of your brainwaves, to effortlessly, automatically retune your brains electrochemistry and neural pathways from the inside...

Just follow the steps, listen along one time per day (it fits right into your routine and takes just a few minutes), and you will FEEL the changes happening right away…

…And from here, your RESULTS will come automatically.

So, what will your new RICH BRAIN feel like?

Just imagine… A brain that works WITH your natural innate moneymaking abilities…

A brain that sees the opportunities surrounding you right now, and takes advantage of them in the shortest amount of time possible…

A mind that doesn’t just ‘think LIKE a millionaire’…

A mind that has literally reshaped itself into the brain OF a millionaire…

Faster, stronger, more powerfully adept and creative than you’ve ever experienced before.

Imagine… Being able to finally shrug off the difficulties, failures, and mistakes of past years…

And not by ‘thinking positive’ or ‘wishful thinking’, either, but literally by reshaping your brain to move beyond failure, to a future of LIMITLESS wealth and possibility…

Once you know how to awaken your rich brain, your brain does all the work FOR you…

It’s like being handed a golden ticket to your life’s richest, most incredible future …

Like being given superhuman powers of inspiration and clarity…

The ability to set goals and achieve them, with the kind of hyperspeed mastery that takes ‘normal people’ ten years or longer to achieve…

Imagine… no more feeling trapped by your own brain…

No more feeling fogged in by uncertainty, self doubt, or the pressures that used to keep you stuck in a rut…

And how’s about having an improved outlook on life?

More resilience?

More laughter?

More joy?

The ability to bring balance and purpose to your life, and the blessed ability to FULFIL that purpose?

Most people who use this system say that the ability to evolve past procrastination alone is worth its weight in gold…

Because, you know those days where your brain just feels sluggish and it takes a serious effort to get ANYTHING done?

Well, imagine the exact opposite of that feeling, and you’ll have just a HINT of what the Total Money Magnetism experience feels like…

Now, your mind is fully awake, alert, and ALIVE with the power and drive of a millionaire

So instead of being controlled by fatigue, fear, and uncertainty, NOW creativity, ideas, and actions literally FLOOD from your brain…

So that you can effortlessly breeze through the blocks that used to stop you cold, and rocket towards a future of financial ABUNDANCE.

I have put so much energy, research, and time-tested proof into this method, that it is guaranteed to work for you!

Here’s Just a Tiny Sample Of The Incredible RESULTS You’re Going To Get When You Invest In Total Money Magnetism Today…

As you know, there are SIX stages to fully awakening your rich person’s brain, and the moment you embark upon the 6 step process, you’ll start to see things happen right away…

The first sign it’s working will be that you’ll start to see OPPORTUNITIES, when before, you only saw fear, lethargy, and doubt…

Some of the opportunities will be for quick cash, and some will be opportunities that take a little bit longer…

So that’s why you’ll want to stick with it, as things keep getting better and better…

Until, just a few short days or weeks from NOWwild horses couldn’t drag you away from the few short minutes you spend with this method each day…

Because every time you use it, you see results unfolding faster and more powerfully, and increasing with increasing with greater and greater speed

Next, you’ll clear out all of the sludge that’s been psychically sabotaging your brain, by doing the ‘Millionaire Detox’…

A process which, almost OVERNIGHT, hands you the completely crystal clear mental abilities to manifest millions

So that instead of being paralyzed by doubt, uncertainty, fear of failure, and procrastination, now, you’re absolutely clear

You know exactly what you need to do, and EXACTLY how to do it…

So now, instead of being stuck in the slow lane, your own brain has put you in the Jetstream… And wealth and opportunity comes RUSHING into your life like a tsunami of abundance!

Next, you’ll do the ‘Thought Virus Override’, which is EXACTLY what it sounds like…

A permanent ‘wipe’ of all the toxic beliefs and money-destroying blockages your mind’s been jammed up with…

A reversal of the ‘fog’ that’s built up in your brain after a lifetime of toxicity

And this simple process has been shown over and over again to boost your income by up to 40% in the first month aloneall by itself…

Next, you’ll discover the ‘Millionaire Mind Maker Money Accelerator’…

The powerful, mind-enhancing technology embedded within the Total Money Magnetism audio tracks, which gets your brain into a state known as ‘hyper wealth creation’

All by activating what’s called a Wealth Reverberation Effectinside your brain, that mirrors, accelerates, and amplifies your results for you through the science of epigenetics

Which instantly amplifies the impact of the millionaire mind audios, and allows you to sculpt and mold your brain into a bona-fide millionaire’s brain…

So you can accomplish in weeks or months what it would normally take years or DECADES to accomplish…

Because NOW, you have the thoughts of a millionaire… The results of a millionaire… And the WEALTH of a millionaire…

No matter where you’re coming from right now!

Next, you’ll get access to the 10 secret success principles of real-life, self-made multimillionaires…

These are the secret principles and strategies that ALL millionaires use to effortlessly grow their wealth...

Most people only know 2-3 of these success principles, and NEVER achieve their true potential

But once you have mastered these secret millionaire principles, you will be on the fast-track to making millions! 

Next, you’ll discover the secret to making money by doing the things you LOVE!

his may sound unbelievable right now, but in Total Money Magnetism, you will be introduced to over 8 different ways you can make money OUTSIDE of your job - that you never even knew existed!

You’ll discover the secret to multiplying your weekly income, WITHOUT multiplying your workload…

All by following easy, proven step-by-step methods that are guaranteed to work, even if you’ve never made a passive income before!

Next, you’ll complete the final stages of SCULPTING your brain into a super-powered RICH brain, by using the ‘Millionaire Mind Sculptor Method’…

This is a step-by step method for sculpting your new RICH brain until it is as fast, efficient and powerful as a brand-new engine.

I’ve made this process so FAST and so EASY, you’ll barely even notice it happening!

But what you WILL notice is an instant clarity of mind… An abundance of energy… A sense of focus and DRIVE you’ve never experienced… And powerful, innovative ideas literally FLOODING from your brain…

People will be SHOCKED at the amazing changes taking place in your life!

Here’s Just SOME Of The Amazing Success That My Recent Clients Are Experiencing With Total Money Magnetism:

Read Comments From Total Money Magnestism Customers

Hi Steve, I am absolutely impressed with the programme. I am on the second track/month and I am already experiencing significant changes in my mindset and my attitude towards wealth and life. My millionnaire behavior is spontaneous and the fear of lack is almost vanguished. I see a lot of positive changes along the way and for that I thank you.


The book was very enlightening, I reread it every couple of days and find new insights every time I read it. The tracks have helped me to find peace in a very difficult situation. My financial outlook has improved greatly since starting Total Money Magnet. Thank You!


I have truthfully taken the first step towards an incredible future of abundance and happiness. Thank you Dr. Steve for putting my future on the right journey towards success.


I have taken care of some old memories and removed some other blocks.I am moving forward with fast track coaching. I am even sleeping better at night. Thank Steve G Jones!


It has been a riveting experience, I have opened doors of possibilities all over in many areas of my life and i have gained my personal power back in the meantime which makes me the wealthiest lady on Earth! Thank You!


Hi Steve. I find my self confidence has improved a lot. I believe that I can do things that I never thought I could do before. I´m telling you I´m having a lot of WOW moments. Thank you so very much. I can´t wait to experience more


Thank you Steve for this life changing course! My income has increased and my mindset is unbelievably positive and creative towards creating new sources of income all the time. Now whenever I have a good business idea, I don't let it pass me by, I act on it! I have became an action taker, and my level of awareness towerds spending my money has totally changed, I used to be a really big spender, and that led me to a huge debt. But not anymore! Now I'm budgeting my income and became really smart when making financial decisions. This is incredible! Steve, I can't thank you enough. You have totally changed my life! I wish you an abundance of wealth, love and happiness.


Total Money Magnetism has accelerated me past some of my blocks and limitations I previously had in place. This isn't just for money issues, it's for all areas of life! Thank you Steve!


Crazy! I was making $80 -$200 monthly with my affiliate marketing. I bought the course, Did the all of the hypnosis and read the manual. Well, This past month I made over $1,100 dollars in commissions. Coincidence? I don't think so. This month is rocking also. I am already over $400 from my affiliate marketing. I even started marketing Total Money Magnetism, not for the money but I want everyone to at least try this program. I am PLEASED!!!! It changed my life. Thank you.


This program has motivated me to find the time to start my own business. I want to eventually leave my demanding 11 hour day 5 day week employed role and have enough money to support me in my own business. This program has helped me get things started

Click here to view all comments

And Here’s What The Experts Have To Say About Total Money Magnetism:

Total Money Magnetism is jam-packed with rock solid advice that any success-driven person needs to get their hands on. 

The 5 fundamentals of money magnetism (part 2) lay an invaluable foundation to financial freedom, and the 10 secret success principles of the ultra wealthy (part 3) are proven rules all successful people live by. 

Aidan Booth
Entrepreneur & Author -

Revolutionary!  Steve has put together centuries of Performance Development, Wealth Attraction and Success Principles in ONE easy, simplified process.

No matter if you have no education, are broke, stuck in a job you don't like, or just plain frustrated - Steve will take you through the fundamentals step by step.  No longer will you resist being a Success!

Heather Havenwood
Entrepreneur, Author, Chief Sexy Boss -

I'm always talking to my clients about reframing how they think so that they can take action and get what they want. 

Total Money Magnetism not only tells you HOW to reframe but it actually teaches you how to train your brain so that it automatically does it for you. 

This program was a quick read, very practical and I easily applied what I learned to make major changes in the way I conduct business and view money. I highly suggest getting this program!

Marni Kinrys
Entrepreneur & Author -

As a Hypnotic Influence Specialist, I've read most of the books on hypnosis that have been written, and I'm really pleased to say that Steve G. Jones' Total Money Magnetism is a practical guide to instill the thoughts, then the beliefs and finally the acceptance of your ability to think and act like a millionaire.

A. Thomas Perhacs
Author - Manipulation & The Hypnotic Abundance Affect

Can You Imagine How Your Life Is Going To CHANGE When You Get Your Hands On This Program..?

…When you have this incredible power? The power to make as much money as you want, and become forever financially free?

The ability to not just THINK like a millionaire… But to actually BE a millionaire?

Just imagine what it will be like to have this incredible power and freedom…

To replace financial fear and lack, with a lifetime of financial abundance…

And to never have to worry about bills or how much something costs ever again

So with this in mind, let me ask you…

How much is it worth to you to have this POWER for yourself?

How much is it worth to you to leave financial anxiety behind FOREVER, and have MORE than enough money to live however YOU want to live?

How much is it worth to you have the FREEDOM to choose your own life… And live according to your OWN rules?

How much is it worth to you to be able to make so much money that you never have to work for someone else again, if that’s what you feel like?

Really, that’s what money’s all about, isn’t it?

It’s the power to CHOOSE…
The power to be FREE…
The power to figure out what YOU want to do…
And then, without any time lag or delay whatsoever…
The power to DO it.

And look, I don’t want to get heavy here…

But I see so many men and women in MISERY because they don’t have that power for themselves…

I see so many people working themselves to the bone, living their lives in exhaustion, because they don’t know how to draw in the money they need

They don’t know about the ONE thing that will make all the difference financially…

The ONE THING that will allow them to experience their financial dreams

And, as a result, they go through life HOPING for more, but never actually experience it.

It sounds scary, but…

Studies show that 95% of Americans will NEVER be financially free, and 93% will never call themselves truly HAPPY…

I don’t want this for YOU.

Why? Because once upon a time, I was struggling and scared and broke…

And someone helped ME become a millionaire, when I NEVER thought it would happen…

And now, I want to pass that power on to YOU… By giving you the six step millionaire mind method that virtually GUARANTEES your success.

So, keeping that in mind…

What do YOU think would be a fair price for Total Money Magnetism?

Personally, I think the professionally valued price of $197 was a pretty darn good deal…

After all, my rich clients pay me $25,000 per session to get this exact same six step secret…

Yet, I know that sometimes times are tough…

And that the time when you most NEED to invest in yourself, is exactly when you can’t afford to…

Not even when you KNOW it’s for something that’s going to change your life forever
So that’s why I’m going to take the risk FOR you …

See, I’ve made my money already…

Now, I want to open the door for YOU

And allow you to reach out and live your financial destiny without ANY risk at all

Which is why, today, you are NOT going to pay $197 for this program…

Not $167…

Not $107

Not even $97!

If you solemnly swear to act right now, and order YOUR copy of this life-changing program…

For you today…

I’ll knock another fifty percent off and give you the whole thing, for A MASSIVELY discounted price of…

… Just $47!

(That’s a total discount for you today of 76.1% off!)

Just click the big button in the order box below, and it’s all yours immediately...

But you have to act right now.


Because this method was extremely tough for me to create… I’ve been through a lot to get where I am today…

And I want to give this program to men and women who are going to really RESPECT the POWER of this program and actually USE it to create incredible results…

So that’s why I’m offering this incredible discount, to people who are committed to changing their lives for the better…

People who will actually take advantage of this golden key offering RIGHT NOW while it’s on the table…

So that’s why, if you try to come back later, and you missed your chance… And you see that the price has doubled or even tripled in that time…

Well, I’m truly sorry about that, but if you don’t act right now, then there’s nothing I can do for you…

So please, don’t sell yourself short – claim your discount NOW!
Here’s How To Order:

All you need to do to secure YOUR copy of Total Money Magnetism and gain INSTANT access TODAY is to click on the click the ‘Add to Cart’ button below.

You will receive ALL of this today for just $47… if you act NOW.

$197 $47

This could be your ONLY CHANCE to claim your insane discount…

To step aboard the boat before I have to close the hatch forever…

Because if you feel like there’s an abyss between you and the life you WANT to live, then this is your chance to do something truly amazing for yourself and your loved ones…

And I have made this SO easy, SO powerful, and SO effortless for you that you literally can’t lose…

…The ONLY way you can lose right now is if you CHOOSE not to act.

You’ve spent enough time struggling... You want and need MORE…

And I personally guarantee that this will be one of the BEST decisions you ever make in your life…

Which is why, just to show you there’s absolutely NO WAY you can lose with this …

I’m going to back everything up with a completely jaw-dropping guarantee…

Rest Assured That Are Completely Covered By My 100% Money Back Guarantee… So Your Total Money Magnetism Investment Is 100% Risk-Free!

Here’s how it works …

Place your order, use the material, and see for yourself how EASY it is to make all the money you want, when you awaken the rich brain that automatically seeks out and draws in wealth FOR you

Take a full 60 days to fully inspect and test out the program…

And if you don’t feel like you got at least ten times the value, then simply send myself and my dedicated team an email at 

and we’ll give you every dime back right away… Right up to the final day of this 60 day guarantee.

It really is that simple.

WHY am I being so generous?

Because I want this for you…

Because I KNOW how this is going to transform your life…

How QUICKLY it’s going to allow you to start living your financial destiny…

And I want you to feel completely confident about purchasing Total Money Magnetism today…

So you can experience for yourself how fast and easy and almost automatic it is to feel your brain changing…

As opportunities come KNOCKING…

As people start to notice, and whisper, and wonder, and finally ask you outright …

How on earth are you DOING all this?’

‘What’s HAPPENED to you??!’

‘Where does all this money keep coming from?’

See how, at first, small things start to happen…

Then bigger things…

And as the momentum gathers and the floodgates open wider and wider…

Money, opportunities, resources, wealth, comes RUSHING into your life like an unstoppable flood of abundance…

You are going to be astonished at the change in your life when you get this…

How the worries that once seemed so crushing suddenly become so easy

How the stress just drops away …

How every day your heart just gets lighter and lighter, and you can feel that sense of warm relief relaxing your muscles like a gentle massage…

And how this incredible freedom to live life on your OWN terms, means that now you get to wake up every morning with a smile on your face…

You get to be your OWN boss …

Because that’s one of the nice things about having lots of money… You get to make your OWNchoices in life… And nobody ever has anything to say about it, as long as the check clears.

Once you have started using my life-changing millionaire mind method, I'm confident that you'll NEVER want to send it back!

I personally promise that if you spend just minutes a day using my six step secret, and follow the steps exactly as written, that you will experience mind blowing results starting in as little as 3 weeks or less and all at absolutely NO RISK to yourself.

You really don’t have ANYTHING to lose, but so very much to gain…

And just to make it EVEN easier for you to make the choice to start living your dream life with Total Money Magnetism today…

When you place your order today, I am ALSO giving you three EXCLUSIVE bonuses that are usually sold separately, for FREE! (Don’t miss out!)


Get Total Money Magnetism For Just $197 $47 With My 60-Day Money-Back Guarantee, AND Claim 3 Super Bonuses Worth $633 For FREE!

Super Bonus #1
The Millionaires’ Mindset

irst, you get The Millionaires’ Mindset. This is an exclusive interview with real life self-made millionaires…

That gives you a step by step blueprint to going from up to 100k in debt, to having millions in the bank…

Dollar value of $97 – Today, yours FREE!

Super Bonus #2
The 3 Fastest Ways To Make Millions Online

Next: Self-made millionaire entrepreneur Mark Ling’s 3 fastest ways to make millions online

A premier video course, that shows you how YOU can make hundreds, thousands, even MILLIONS of dollars online … Even if you can barely click a mouse right now.

Simple… fast… Guaranteed to work…

Making money online really is so easy, you’ll be kicking yourself you didn’t try it sooner!

Retail value of $297 – Today, yours FREE!

Super Bonus #3
The Platinum Millionaire Mind Makers

Next, you get 3 tested, proven, and ultra powerful millionaire ‘mind reset’ audios, that drastically increase your millionaire results…

By invisibly dissolving your unconscious blocks to wealth from inside your subconscious mind.

In as little as 3 weeks, you can use these powerful audios to stop Procrastination, discover Unlimited Creativity, and experience Unlimited Motivation!

These mp3 brain-building tracks have a retail value of $79.95 each – that’s $239.85 total value – all yours today for FREE!

Add it all up… And that’s $633.85 worth of bonuses ALONE!

…Bonus gifts that you get completely FREE if you sign up for Total Money Magnetism today!

What You Get Retail Price Your Special Price

Total Money Magnetism

$197 $47.00!
BONUS #1:The Millionaires’ Mindset $97.00 Today FREE
BONUS #2:The 3 Fastest Ways To Make Millions Online $297.00 Today FREE
BONUS#3: The Platinum Millionaire Mind Makers $239.85 Today FREE
Total $830.85 Today just $47.00. (Save $783.85!)

That‘s a saving of over $750… or over 90% off!!!

It’s an absolute steal, I know - you’re basically winning the lottery right now!

However, I can’t extend this insane discount for too much longer… I can only guarantee it to you if you act today!

Click on the ‘Add to Cart’ button below to order your copy right now!

Yes Dr Steve! I want Instant Access To Total Money Magnetism PLUS The THREE Added Super Bonuses!

I understand that by saying YES, I'll get Total Money Magnetism, PLUS your three added special bonuses so I can start using your six step millionaire brain method immediately!

I am thankful for your generous 60-day guarantee which makes my decision to start living the life of my dreams that much easier!

I also understand that because I am acting fast and I'm fully committed to changing my life, if I order now, I will get the TOTAL MONEY MAGNETISM Instant Download for just $197 $47!

$197 $47

Access Total Money Magnetism From The Comfort Of Your Own Home... INSTANTLY!

I want to make it as easy as possible for you to get my course and start expanding your bank account right now, which is why my program is available via instant download!

You are about to get your hands on the most powerful millionaire mind method in the world…

You’ll get instant access to absolutely everything Total Money Magnetism has to offer, so you can get started on using the millionaire mind method that will draw endless wealth and abundance into your life, stating TONIGHT…

… All in the comfort of your own home!

Even if you have never downloaded something from the internet before, it's so easy to do that you'll wonder why you didn't try it sooner. Plus, because I'm offering it to you via the internet, you reap the benefits of:

Zero shipping costs.

No waiting around - forget waiting for weeks for postal delivery. You can get started right now!

The privacy and ease of doing this in your own home.

No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged.

You receive my products at a lower price because they cost me less to produce.

"But I’ve Struggled With Money For Most Of My Life. Will Total Money Magnetism Really Change That For Me NOW?"

I know what you may be thinking right now, because I thought the same thing when I was struggling, and literally drowning in credit-card debt…

‘…Why should this method work for ME, when no other money-making advice has ever worked for me before?’

Well, here’s the thing: Coming from someone who was once $80,000 in the red, I KNOW just how life-changing this method is…

And you’ve seen the medical proof yourself… You’ve heard the ecstatic reviews from Avi, Nadine, Winston, and Tesnicha, as well as the testimonials of five top industry experts

And even though the promises I’m making you may sound a little unbelievable right now…

INSIST that from the very first time you start using Total Money Magnetism, no matter where you’re coming from right now, you’re going to see some INCREDIBLE changes taking place in your life…

There’s just one catch… you have to actually do it!

I’ve made this system as automated and effortless as possible so you don’t have to do ANY hard work of your own…

Literally ALL you need to do is simply follow the six easy steps, listen in for just a few minutes a day, and your results are GUARANTEED… It’s that simple!

The thing is, most people who fail do so because they never take action.

They fear that it is already ‘too late’ for them, and that it will be ‘too hard’ to change.

But if you choose to take the leap and make a risk-free investment today in Total Money Magnetism, I personally promise you that you will achieve the kind of results that you’ve always secretly wished for, but you’ve never really thought possible until NOW.

Remember, this course is 100% backed by my 60-day money-back guarantee… so you have absolutely nothing to lose!

So now, it’s time for action …

Because right now, you have just two options

Right Now, You Have Two Choices

Choice One:

Leave this page now, and go back to your normal life…

A life of money worries… Financial despair… Lack of freedom… Lack of choices …

A life where, every time you even START to get ahead, someone or something comes along and takes it AWAY again.

You can TRY and achieve financial freedom the same way that 90% of all others do… By struggling, working hard, and HOPING you’ll someday get there…

But this is the exact path that keeps people trapped in a cycle of struggle, desperation, and REGRET…

Is this what you really want???

You don’t have to settle for LESS… Because now, there is now a much simpler, easier, and fun way to start getting everything you want in life…

Choice Two:

Just take my hand right now, enroll in the Total Money Magnetism program, and let me GIVE you what you need to live out your financial destiny…

You’ll get EVERYTHING I’ve promised you, for a one time only discount of more than seventy five percent OFF…

If you act now, you literally can’t lose

With my sixty day guarantee, you risk NOTHING

And I wish I could reach out and SHOW you how incredible and easy and fun and guaranteed your life’s rich incredible future is when you act now…

But I can’t do that… Which means the choice, as always, is up to you

I think you’ve spent enough time struggling...

I think you want and deserve MORE from life…

I think you deserve to know exactly what it feels like to be truly financially free
To live your life on your terms, and answer to nothing and nobody unless you feel like it

I mean… isn’t that something you want? Don’t you at least want to find out?

And you’re getting three incredible free gifts that are guaranteed to make this experience as easy and rewarding as possible for you…

So please, act NOWbefore it’s too late… I personally guarantee you won’t regret it!

Here Is The Key You’ve Been Waiting For:

$197 $47

I look forward to getting an email from you soon, telling me about all of the phenomenal success you have experienced with Total Money Magnetism.

Every email I get from my clients means the world to me, so please write to me and tell me your story.

Begin your journey to millionaire success today!

Your friend,

Dr Steve G. Jones, Ed. D.

Creator of “Total Money Magnetism”

P.S. This course is an electronic download so you can get started right away! No Shipping, No Waiting! And remember, this heavily discounted price of $197 $47 is not going to be around for long, so if you want to get Total Money Magnetism with the three added bonuses worth over $630, you need to act NOW! Don’t wait another second to start living the rich, abundant life you deserve…

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